The better the experience, the higher the opportunities!
If you want to capture new target audiences, you have to risk leaving well-trodden paths and overcome old thought patterns.
According to our philosophy, we at Steilpass optimise the positioning and the communicative offers of clubs and associations, affording access to new target groups and enabling commercial expansion.
Brand & Venue Experience Consulting
Using our very own Brand & Venue Experience Approach, we consult clubs and associations and optimise their offers. In this consulting process we analyse your brand promise (brand experience) and venue experience and optimise them. As a result, you will gain access to new target audiences and sponsors.
The profitability of your offer will increase on several levels: Innovative communicative content will open up access to new target audiences. Cooperation and media strategies will increase your reach, and innovative marketing and sponsoring formats will boost your club or association’s income.
Monetizing Emotions
Our Monetizing Emotions strategy workshop is a starting point for a strategic development process for clubs, leagues and associations. It helps you take your products and strategies to the next level. In this one-day workshop, we analyse the three areas relevant to the success of your brand and product – EMOTION, VALUE and PATH – to lay the foundation for a more successful brand strategy. The focus of the workshop is determined in consultation with you after intensive preparation. The kick-off workshop is concluded with a comprehensive results report.